Course Learning Objectives 

1.    The student will be able to give an essential outline of Genesis and Exodus following the major character's and the events through which God does a work in them and through them.

2.    The student will be able to explain the importance of the early creation stories of both the world and Israel for understanding the way God made the world to function and how man can function best within it. 

3.    The student will be able to explain the allegorical potential in Genesis and Exodus for understanding the dynamics of sin and salvation, enslavement to sin and deliverance from sin, that govern the whole of human existence in God’s world.

Course Curriculum


Genesis #1: Genesis and Creation

Genesis #2: The Birth of Mankind: The Story of Adam and Eve

Genesis #3: Where Are You? The Story of the Fall

Genesis #4: Where Is Your Brother? The Story of Cain and Abel

Genesis #5: Father of Faith: The Story of Abraham

Genesis #6: Who Are You? The Story of Jacob

Genesis #7: The God Who Is In Charge: The Story of Joseph


Exodus #1: Moses Learns Humility

Exodus #2: Moses Learns Four Spiritual Laws

Exodus #3: Principles of Deliverance: The Story of the Exodus

Exodus #4: The Ten Commandments

Let's get started today!